Posted on
23 July 2024
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1 minute
FAIRER-DTP Studentship Applications are now open for a new PhD programme “FAIRER” within the Academic Centre for Healthy Ageing (ACHA), Whipps Cross Hospitals new research centre.
We held a webinar to provide further information.
ACHA is a new research, education and training centre from Barts Health NHS Trust and Queen Mary University of London. We work closely with local people and health and care staff in north east London to improve care and support for people as they grow older.
Through ACHA, anyone working within the local health and care system will have support to access research career opportunities. Local health and care staff of all backgrounds who want to add research into their career are encouraged to apply, particularly those in roles less traditionally associated with research like nurses, allied health professionals, health visitors, ambulance staff, or care home workers.
This is a great opportunity for the local workforce to integrate research into their careers, supporting their own professional development whilst expanding knowledge and understanding of ageing and directly informing and improving the care we deliver.
Find out more about ACHA and this opportunity at: