ACHA hosts visit from the Netherlands as we work to develop an exchange programme

On Friday 17th January ACHA hosted a visit from Dr Jentie Kraamer of Leiden University Medical School. Dr Kraamer visited to meet with the ACHA professors and staff working at Whipps Cross in the Older People’s Assessment Unit and Hospital at Home services.   She went on to visit staff at the Ainsley Rehabilitation Unit.

She was able to learn about innovative approaches to care adopted in North East London, reflect on the differences in care delivery between the Netherlands in the UK, and meet patients receiving care first hand.  She and ACHA Professor Adam Gordon were able to participate in an exercise class with patients at the Ainsley Unit, playing coits and seated bowls with patients who were using these exercises to recover from their recent hospital admissions.

Central to the day were discussions about a proposed visit for up to 20 Dutch Elderly Care Physicians, GPs and nurses in training to visit North East London in the Autumn of 2025 for a more intensive exchange lasting 2 weeks.  The focus will be to share innovative practices and learn from what each centre and each country does well.  We will continue to work on this initiative in the next couple of months.  Watch these pages for more updates.

Longer term, we hope that this can be the foundation for bilateral exchange, where colleagues from North East London can visit to learn from those working with older patients in Leiden.  We’re keen to work with leaders from across the system to make this exciting opportunity a reality.

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