Professor Martin Vernon
Martin qualified as a doctor in Manchester in 1988 and trained as a Geriatrician and General Internal Physician in the North West of England and London. He has been a full-time NHS Consultant in Greater Manchester since 1999 where he currently delivers same day emergency care for older people with clinical frailty. He has a MA in Medical Ethics and Law from King’s College London, teaches these subjects at Salford University, has been a Visiting Professor at University of Chester since 2016 and is Chair of the British Geriatrics Society Ethics and Law Special Interest Group. His current research interests focus on clinical frailty, cross-sector workforce development and care home policy and practice. He is a specialist collaborator with the NIHR Older People and Frailty Policy Research Unit and a specialist member of the NICE Indicator Advisory Committee.
Between 2016 and 2019 he was the National Clinical Director for Older People at NHS England. He has led multiple national workstreams including development of the 2019 NHS Long Term Plan Ageing Well Programme. In addition to his clinical role Martin is clinical lead for older people at the Greater Manchester Strategic Clinical Network where he Chairs a system wide advisory Frailty Care Reference Group. Since 2020 Martin has worked as a senior clinical advisor to the Whipps Cross Hospital redevelopment programme where he Chairs a system level Clinical and Professional Advisory Group. Since 2021 Martin has been Chair of the North West Clinical Senate
Martin is the ACHA Lead Collaborator and external clinical advisor to the mobilisation of ACHA.