Professor Adam Gordon, MBE
Adam is a clinical academic geriatrician with a focus on implementing evidence-based models of care to improve health outcomes for older people living with frailty. He has been predominantly involved in research that addresses healthcare delivery in care homes. His research has shaped national policy to ensure an evidence-based, multidisciplinary approach to care for residents. His work has also focussed on the development of surgical liaison services and emergency care for older people. Adam was previously Professor of Care of Older People at the University of Nottingham and is President of the British Geriatrics Society until he steps down in November 2024.
“I am thrilled to join the Academic Centre for Healthy Ageing and to lead efforts in improving rehabilitation and recovery for older people in north east London. I am looking forward to working with the teams across Barts Health NHS Trust and Queen Mary University of London to advance research and create impactful strategies that support the recovery and resilience of older people. We intend to establish a centre in this part of London that delivers some of the best care in the world.”