Through education and training programmes, we will apply the results of ACHA’s research to change how care is delivered, helping reshape, upskill and grow the local health and care workforce.
Patients will benefit from improved care, and caregivers will have new opportunities for career development.
We will work closely with our local health system to develop new roles, career pathways and most importantly health and care services that all work effectively together and evolve to meet the needs of local people and their communities as they age.
The education and training opportunities ACHA creates will help to attract, retain and develop staff, particularly in posts which have previously been hard to fill.
Our research-informed education and training programmes will be delivered in partnership with the north east London (NEL) health and care system, local training hubs and the local economy to address identified system gaps in undergraduate and postgraduate training curricula to equip the future workforce with the skills and capabilities needed to care for older people with complex needs and aligned to the Skills for Health Frailty Core Capabilities Framework.